April 17, 2020
CBS Boston
Daffodils Placed Outside Boston Hospitals To Show Appreciation For Medical Workers
BOSTON (CBS) — Thousands of daffodils will be placed around entrances to Boston area hospitals Friday to show the city’s appreciation for medical workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic on the front lines.
More than 300 daffodils were placed outside the Boston Convention Center, known as the Boston Hope Medical Center since it was converted into a coronavirus field hospital. The same delivery is expected at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Tufts Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital and many more.
“We have a wonderful group of volunteers with us today to line the staff entrance to the Boston Convention Center’s field hospital,” organizer Emily Soukas told WBZ-TV.
Organizers from Marathon Daffodils said the yellow flowers are a universal symbol of new beginnings. They hope the flowers give hospital workers the same feeling of hope, strength, and resiliency that they have given Boston Marathon runners since the Boston Marathon bombings.
For the past six years, daffodils have lined the 26.2 Boston Marathon course to inspire runners.
The marathon has been postponed until Sept. 14 due to the pandemic so the flowers were repurposed.
Now, medical workers will “be greeted by something wonderful on their way in, and hopefully a sign of gratitude and appreciation on their way out,” said Soukas.
Each plant is branded with a Boston Strong sticker and a thank you note. Workers are welcome to take one of the plants home.
“Thank you is the biggest message. Thank you. We are truly indebted to you for all of your courageous efforts and services to keep us all safe and healthy and get us through this challenging time,” Soukas said
There is also a coloring page available for people to download, color and put in their windows.
Daffodils Placed Outside Boston Hospitals To Show Appreciation For Medical Workers