Who We Are
We are builders of places where people want to be.
Every day, we challenge ourselves and the status quo, striving to exceed expectations for our guests, our tenants, and our partners. Our business is founded on relationships; our reputation is our greatest currency.
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WS Philosophy
Bring passion, intelligence and creativity to the table; build with community in mind; design beautifully and for the ages; treat it as if it were your home... and it will succeed. Our success is measured each and every day by the strength of our merchants and happiness of our guests.
Our goal is simple: build and operate what people love.
Industry Leadership
Building by building, project by project, WS has developed over 100 properties comprising 22+ million square feet across 13 states, making the company one of the largest retail-led, mixed-use developers in the country. From its origins in suburban New England, our portfolio has grown nationally to include urban core retail, high-end lifestyle centers, and mixed-use developments. We are one of the few in our field to maintain a fully vertically-integrated company, with professionals in development, design, construction, operations, leasing, lease compliance, entitlements, finance, capital markets, acquisitions, marketing, information management, and accounting.
We take pride in our company's history and our DNA of continuous evolution. For over a quarter-century, WS has been driven by an intellectual curiosity that has consistently led us from the areas in which we have already gained expertise and toward the industry frontier.